Nestled in Southwestern Ontario, the vibrant city of Guelph, often heralded as "The Royal City," stands as a significant hub, positioned approximately 22 km east of Kitchener and 70 km west of Downtown Toronto. This pivotal locale is accentuated by its convergence with Highway 6, Highway 7, and Wellington County Road 124. While Guelph holds the distinction of being the seat of Wellington County, it operates politically distinct from the county.
The city's origins trace back to the 1820s, birthed by John Galt, the inaugural superintendent of the Canada Company. Galt laid down the community's foundation, making it both the headquarters and his residence. Historically, much of the land that evolved into Wellington County was the Halton Block, a reserve for the Six Nations Iroquois. Galt's legacy lives on as he is celebrated as the pivotal figure in Guelph's establishment. Over the years, the city has notably been one of Canada's safest, boasting a historically low crime severity index. Its economic resilience was showcased during the Great Recession, consistently reflecting one of the nation's lowest unemployment rates. By January 2019, it had plummeted to a remarkable 1.9%, the lowest among all Canadian cities. This economic buoyancy owes much to its diverse manufacturing landscape, prominently featuring establishments like Linamar.
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